If an event needs to limit the number of entries for an event and it's expected to receive more entries than the limit, the club has the option to use the Event Ballot feature on the event. When a ballot is generated the system will randomly select and allocate entries to the the exhibitors.
The Event Ballot has three stages;
- Ballot Open: During this stage the exhibitors will be able to create entries, but you can't pay.
- Ballot In Progress: This is when the club is allocating the ballot, during this stage exhibitors can't create or pay for entries.
- Ballot Completed: When the ballot has been completed all exhibitors will be emailed the outcome of the ballot and their allocation. Clubs may include a timeframe to pay for the entries to allow the ballot to be run again and fill any remaining allocations.
How do I know if an event is running a ballot?
The event name will include 'Ballot' as part of the event name and will also include the status of the ballot. When you select the event, the event details page will also indicate if the event is running a ballot and also the status of the ballot.
How do I turn on the ballot?
Notify support and they will enable this option for you.
How do view the Event Ballot?
When the entries for the event are opened the ballot will be in a the 'Ballot Open' stage. From the event details page click on the 'Ballot' button in the 'Event Options' section.
First item to check is the 'Ballot Status End Date' setting, from the Ballot page click on the 'Edit Ballot Status' button. The ballot status end date will indicate to the exhibitors when the current Ballot Status will end. For example, if the current ballot status is open, the date will indicate to the exhibitors how long they have to create their entries and be part of the ballot.
How do generate the Event Ballot?
The Ballot Page will list the ballot settings, this will include the class name as well as information about the limits and ballot allocations.
Randomly generate the ballot
From the ballot page click on the 'Generate Ballot Allocation' button. This page will give you a few options;
Ballot Generation Method
- Fill Entry Allowed: The exhibitor will be allocated one entry, if there more entries remaining the exhibitor will be allocated another entry until all allocations are filled.
- Exact Entry Allowed: The exhibitor will be allocated exactly this many entries.
Reduce priority on exhibitors that have a ballot allocation or paid entries in this event
- This setting will reduce the priority of those that have already entered the selected event, giving those that have not entered the other event a higher chance of having their ballot allocation being accepted.
Remove all existing allocations and start again
- This option will clear all allocations manual or generated and the generation will be allocated again. If this is not selected, the existing allocations will remain and the system will fill the remaining allocations with any available entries.
Class Settings
- Ballot Entries Allowed Per Account: The number of entries allowed to be allocated per account.
- Max Class Entries Allowed for Event: The total number of entries allowed for the event.
Setting the 'Ballot Status End Date' will indicate to the exhibitors how long it will take to allocate the ballot. Typically this would be the same date as today.
Click on the 'Save' button to generate the ballot allocations, this will also put the ballot into a 'In Progress' status to allow you time to review the ballot before it's approved.
Manually approve or adjust the exhibitors ballot
The exhibitors are listed and split into 'Approved Exhibitors' and 'Non Approved Exhibitors', the exhibitor will be moved to the Approved Exhibitors list when their ballot is approved. Click on the 'View' button to view the ballot allocation for that exhibitor. From the Exhibitor Ballot Details you are able to indicate if the exhibitor has been approved as well as number of entries the exhibitor is allowed to create.
Accept entries & notify exhibitors
In the 'Approved Exhibitors' section click on the 'Email Exhibitors' button. The Email Exhibitors page will put the ballot into a 'Completed' status and also email all exhibitors the result of the ballot.
Setting the 'Ballot Status End Date' will indicate to the exhibitors how long they have to pay for their entries.
The system will generate an email to notify the exhibitor about their approval and will also include details of their allocation. You can also include any additional information for each email if you would like to add more notes.
Can I re-open the Ballot?
Yes, From the ballot page click on the 'Edit Ballot Status' button, Change the status to 'Open' and save. You can then repeat the above process to fill any remaining allocations.
How do I remove Ballot?
If you want to remove the ballot and let exhibitors enter any remaining entries, contact support and we can remove this for you.